Glenn Tasker was elected President of the Australian Paralympic Committee in 2013 and has served on the Board of Directors since 2008.

With more than 23 years experience in sports administration, Glenn’s involvement in Paralympic sport began during his time as Executive Director of Swimming NSW (1990-98). He was instrumental in the introduction of events for swimmers with disabilities into the NSW Age Swimming Championships, the first state championships in Australia to do so.

He went on to become the Swimming Competition Manager at the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games (1998-2000), before serving as Chief Executive Officer of Swimming Australia (2001-2008).

During his time at Swimming Australia, he assisted with establishing the swimming Paralympic Preparation Program, working with both the APC and the International Paralympic Committee to achieve better outcomes for swimmers with a disability.

The Swimming Paralympic Preparation Program is one of Swimming Australia’s flagship programs and sees many Paralympic Preparation Program activities integrated into the National Team Program, including training camps and competitions.

Internationally, Mr Tasker was elected to the International Paralympic Committee’s Sport Technical Committee for Swimming in 2009, and currently serves as its Vice Chair.